The Bureau of Meteorology has officially launched the Tropical Cyclone 7 day Forecast.
This new service provides more detailed information and extra lead time to help emergency services and the Australian community prepare for the impacts of tropical cyclones earlier.
The easy-to-follow forecast is available through the Bureau website.
“It shows the likely location of any significant tropical low as well as the chance it will develop into a tropical cyclone, up to 7 days in advance” said Bureau of Meteorology Tropical Cyclone Team Leader Andrew Burton.
The service covers Australia’s area of responsibility for tropical cyclones and all Australian communities, including Australia’s coastal waters and land areas, Christmas Island, Cocos Islands, Lord Howe Island and Norfolk Island.
“Improvements to the service will benefit all Australians by providing more lead time to plan for an event.”
“Key features include a visual display showing the probability of a tropical cyclone developing for the next 7 days, improved risk information, a summary of the potential for tropical cyclone development and forecast descriptions about tropical low and tropical cyclone behaviour,” Andrew said.
In addition to the new 7-day forecast, the Bureau has also introduced the Tropical Cyclone Real-time Event Data product to provide organisations with a single source of machine readable data for tropical cyclone events.
“This will help businesses incorporate tropical cyclone hazard information into their own business systems and processes,” Andrew said.
To find out more about the Tropical Cyclone 7-day forecast, or the Tropical Cyclone Real-time Event Data product, visit http://www.bom.gov.au/cyclone
The Bureau will continue to issue Tropical Cyclone Advices and Tropical Cyclone Forecast Track Maps and will do this whenever a tropical cyclone is likely to cause damaging winds over Australian communities within 48 hours. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the Bureau website and the BOM Weather App for the latest information about tropical cyclones in their area.